classAd 4.0 - user manual

Category management

Version 3.0 of ClassAd introduces a structured category model, which was updated and complely re-written for version 4.0. Their are two different modes:

One should decide on which model should be used at the beginning of the installation - best before creating categories. The following points characterize the different models:

Small ClassAd installations should work well with a flat category model, larger markets with a lot of different categories should use the structured model.

In the configuration file inc/ are parameters to fine tune the behavior and layout:

Variable Description
$OP_SIMPLE_CATS if false, the structured category model is used, otherwise you decide to use the flat model
If structured model is used, this parameter defines how many columns should be used (reasonable value at between 1 and 5)

If structured model is used, this parameter defines how many subcategories are displayed below the main category. To display all subcategories set the parameter to 999. (default: 5)

if structured model is used, this parameter defines whether articles in sub categories are counted or not


if structured model is used, this parameter defines the sorting order of categories. '1' means row-wise filling, '2' column-wise filling